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Syd Learns Guitar with Olivia

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

Hi everyone! My name is Syd, and I’m the

Front End Manager here at the Kitchener Academy of Music.

Even though I work at a music school, I’ve actually never taken music lessons before- can you believe that? So I figured now is as good a time as any to get started! Join me as I take music lessons with some of our amazing teachers. So far I’ve taken Violin, Guitar, Vocal, Theory and Drum lessons! You can read all about them HERE!

Today I had another Zoom lesson. I was SUPER excited for this lesson because it was another guitar lesson! I had already done 2 guitar lessons before (one with Andrew, and another with Travis) so I was really excited to build on what I had already learned in my lessons! Luckily, my boyfriend plays the guitar so we had one at home for me to use during my lesson. This guitar lesson was taught by one of our newest teachers, Olivia!

We started off our lesson by making sure my guitar was all tuned. I had never tuned a guitar before, and thankfully my guitar was all tuned up already! Olivia showed me some apps that you can use to tune your guitar at home, which was really helpful because I don’t have a guitar tuner. Then, we moved onto some chords! We used some chords from the song “Riptide”, which was great because I was already familiar with the song (and how it should sound)! We used some chord charts to walk through some of the chords in the song, and while we were doing that Olivia helped me focus on hand positioning so that I could make sure I was hitting the notes just right!

After that, we moved on to learning the beginning riff from “7 Nation Army”, another song that I know and love! Olivia had me play the riff using only one string, and moving from fret to fret so that I could hit the right notes. I found this a lot easier than the chords, as I only needed to focus on one finger and one string on the guitar, whereas with the chords I have learned you need to use multiple fingers in order to get the sound you’re trying to produce. After a few minutes of practice, I was good to go!

We finished up our lesson by introducing me to some common chords that I could practice at home, which will come in handy in future guitar lessons! I’m really loving these Zoom lessons so far… and that might have a lot to do with the fact that I can learn an instrument without even having to leave my house! I’m excited for my next lesson next week, where I’ll be taking a music theory lesson with Kandice! Stay tuned for that!

If you’re interested in taking drum lessons, or any music lessons, contact us today! Right now you can sign up for Music Lessons at The Kitchener Academy of Music for by emailing us at, or giving us a call at (519) 893-2121. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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