Our woodwind instructors focus on breath control and sound production, ensuring success for adults starting at any time.
Our flute and saxophone instructors are warm and friendly and get to know each student and parent on a personal level. We work with you to craft a lesson plan that fits your individual needs and the student’s favourite type of music.
Whether you’re a seven-year-old taking their first lesson, or a fifty-year-old returning to a woodwind instrument after many years, we’ll set goals to achieve your musical aspirations.
For our younger students under the age of nine, starting brasswind instruments may be postponed until they have the physical strength and stature to comfortably support the instrument, reach the valves, and generate ample lung power for quality sound production. As brasswinds demand robust lung capacity, we suggest a foundation in recorder or piano for initial musical instruction. Nevertheless, we approach each young learner individually, considering their unique circumstances.
$150/month for weekly 30 minute private lessons, with a one-time $50 registration fee. Longer lessons are available upon request, contact us at tkaminfo@gmail.com for more information on extended lessons.
Woodwind Lessons at TKAM
What Will I Learn?
Each week, our students dedicate time to honing technical skills, refining sound quality, and perfecting intonation. The magic of our lessons lies in seamlessly weaving in their favorite songs, ensuring they conclude each session by playing a cherished piece. Our devoted flute and saxophone teachers, with their caring touch and expertise, are here to nurture every student's love for their instrument.
You will need your own instrument in order to learn the instrument. Please contact us at tkaminfo@gmail.com to discuss rental options, or for retail recommendations!